Field copses are small, wooded areas or groups of woods, up to one hectare in size, which are usually planted or maintained on land that is difficult to use for agriculture in the open landscape. These are characterised by a forest-like climate and consist of groups of trees or shrubs.
The climate positive aspect of field copses is that they are home to a rich variety of species that correspond to the natural vegetation of the area and also serve as a refuge and shelter for game and other animals.
Schloss Lütetsburg currently maintains more than twenty such groves throughout the farm, thus providing additional habitat for wildlife.
Other interesting topics around climate protection and sustainability:
Schloss Lütetsburg with its historic outer bailey has been an attractive breeding site for the rare House Martin for many decades.
Areas of about 15 hectares (150,000 square metres) have already been converted into bee meadows on a voluntary basis to create new habitats for this endangered species and other insects.
Schloss Lütetsburg owns the Lütetsburg Forest, the Knyphauser Forest near Wittmund with almost 750 ha as well as another 300 ha of forest spread over several federal states - enough area to play an important role for the climate as well as water balance and quality.
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