Experience the most beautiful day in your life against the historical and romantic backdrop of Lütetsburg Castle Park. We offer the perfect setting for both civil and church weddings.

Civil wedding in the "Freundschaftstempel"

The Freundschaftstempel (Temple of friendship), built in 1799, is located in the immediate vicinity of Lütetsburg Castle and offers space for a maximum of 40 guests for your civil wedding ceremony.

Please inquire about available dates and prices at the responsible registry office in Hage: www.sg-hage.de

Church wedding in the "Nordischen Kapelle"

The "Nordische Kapelle", located in the heart of Lütetsburg Castle Park, is available for your marriage ceremony by a clergyman.

There is room for up to 25 guests in the atmospheric wooden chapel.

Contact Civil wedding:

Registry office Hage


Download floor plan

Contact church wedding:

Gräflich zu Inn- und
Knyphausen'sches Rentamt
Landstr. 55 | 26524 Lütetsburg

Phone: +49 (0) 4931 4254 
Email: ...

Nordische Kapelle:

Download floor plan



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